"If the LORD delights in a person's way, He makes their steps firm; though they stumble, they will not fall, for the LORD upholds them with His hand." (Psalm 37:23,24)

WEEKEND Edition 18/19 February 2023 “Peter WHO?” (2 Peter 1:1)

Good weekend to you my “Walking with Jesus” friends, 
How do you respond when you hear or read things spoken or written which you know are untrue, but you see those statements swaying people to believe lies or other people doubting what they know to be true? It happens all the time in politics or social media or even mainstream media, doesn’t it?  How often does it happen in the classrooms or the courtrooms of the country where you live? Of course, we expect truth distortion from lobbyists, or some salespeople or producers of entertainment and we even now expect it with almost everything on the internet, don’t we? So again, I ask, how do you deal with information flow which you are convinced is untrue, or distorting the facts, or an outright lie?
Yesterday we concluded several weeks with the apostle Peter as he wrote his first letter to Christians, in the mid first century, across the Roman empire. In that letter Peter was trying to encourage Christians who were living with great persecution coming from many different sources. Now, I feel led to spend the next few weeks again with the apostle Peter, as he writes his second letter. You’ll see it’s shorter than his first letter and found in the Bible right next to Peter’s first letter. While we don’t know exactly when Peter wrote it, we presume it was very shortly after concluding his first letter. Peter wrote again from Rome, and we presume imprisonment. We know Peter was executed by Caesar Nero’s order, and Nero’s reign ended in 68ad, shortly before the destruction of Jerusalem in 70ad. Thus, I presume Peter wrote or dictated this letter we know as 2nd Peter, probably in the year 66 or 67ad. 
While Peter’s first letter aimed to encourage Christians under severe persecution and intimidation from Roman soldiers and Jewish religious leaders, Peter’s second letter aims to challenge Christians to be aware of those who spread false ideas and teachings. 
We must remember when Peter wrote both his letters the “Bible”, as we know it today, was neither fully assembled nor was it widely available. Copies of most of the Old Testament scrolls were available in larger towns and cities where there might be several Jewish synagogues or schools for learning, but the New Testament Gospels and letters were just beginning to be written. Therefore, the apostles and others who had known Jesus personally were busy traveling and teaching all across the Empire. They taught, as led by the Holy Spirit, from what they remembered of Jesus and His teachings, since written records of the life of Jesus were just beginning to be written.
 Unfortunately, a wide range of other speakers and teachers rose up and traveled from town to town spreading distortions or outright contradictions to what those who had known Jesus personally were teaching. It should not be difficult for us to imagine the confusion that was rising up all across the Roman empire, among the clusters of Christians who were trying to understand and live out this new Gospel Jesus had proclaimed. That is what motivated Peter to write this second letter. 
It appears Peter knew his time was short. James the apostle had already been executed as had Stephen the deacon. Fairly often word came of the killing of others who knew Jesus, including other disciples. So, Peter felt some urgency to write, challenging the false teaching sweeping through the little churches of Christians. 
So come again my friends and join me as we stand around a small room, watching Peter roll out a parchment, dip his stylus in the ink-dye, and begin his second and final letter. He begins this letter very much like his first letter. Making sure everyone knows WHO is writing this letter and to WHOM Peter is writing. 
He also is assuring his readers that he writes for the purpose of helping them grow to maturity in their relationship with Jesus Christ, whom Peter knew personally. Peter probably spoke as he wrote:Simon Peter, a servant and apostle of Jesus Christ.” (2 Peter 1:1) So what do we learn in these opening words about Peter’s frame of mind? How does he view himself and his relationship with his friend Jesus? 
His use of his full name Simon Peter is a way for Peter to remind his readers that even his name changed as a result of his relationship with Jesus. It’s a challenge my friends. Have you noticed it is impossible for anyone to develop an authentic, vibrant relationship with Jesus Christ and remain unchanged!? Paul wrote “if anyone is in Christ, they are a new creation, the old has gone and the new has come, and all this is from God.” (2 Cor. 5:17,18) Peter was not ashamed, in fact he was proud of the life changing work Jesus had been doing in him from the very first day he met Jesus. Peter is challenging his readers then and even today to look closely at ourselves… is there a consistent change that God is working in us! If not, we need to look closely to discern why not! 
Do you notice Peter describes himself with two words: a servant and apostle of Jesus Christ!Servant‘, of course, means Peter daily offered himself to Jesus, willing for the Holy Spirit to give Peter any assignment. Peter was determined to not allow anything in his life which would disqualify him from being entrusted by God with an assignment. 
I’m sure you noticed the other word of description Peter used, apostle“. That word described the fact that Peter was personally selected, personally trained and personally sent out by Jesus to take the Gospel message of Jesus to the world. I believe these words Paul had written to the Corinthian Christians were never far from his heart… “We are ambassadors of Jesus Christ as though God is making His appeal through us.” (2 Cor. 5:20) That was the driving passion of Peter’s life, knowing he may only have a short time remaining. May I ask us all today these questions based on Peter’s opening words?
1. What changes do you see in your life which you can attribute to the work of Jesus as He transforms you?
2. What words would you and I use to describe our identity and our purpose and our passion in life? How do those words compare to Peter’s words? 
Let’s ponder that my friends and on Monday we’ll continue looking at Peter’s opening words of this, his final letter. Here’s a song to help us consider the work God wants to accomplish in and through each of us… 
Today’s Scripture is 2 Peter 1:1. 
Choose below to read or listen.​​
 Bible images provided with attribution to www.LumoProject.com.

Have a comment or question about today’s chapter? I’m ready to hear from youcontact me here.

Pastor Doug Anderson    262.441.8785  
Let us run with perseverance the race marked out for us, with our eyes fixed on Jesus…” (Heb. 12:1,2)

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