"If the LORD delights in a person's way, He makes their steps firm; though they stumble, they will not fall, for the LORD upholds them with His hand." (Psalm 37:23,24)

Resources To Grow Spiritually

Click To Visit Witness To All and see God’s Work in Real Time!

Wonder what God is doing around the world today? This is a real-time synthesis of inquiries to 100 Christian websites around the world. Each new day begins at midnight California time. “Gospel Visits” are contacts on any of these 100 web sights with questions about Jesus. “Decisions” are indications of specific, spiritual decisions on those web sites. “Discipleship Activity” are those requesting discipleship. Visit www.greatcommission2020.com
provides excellent teaching, training and many resources for those seeking to understand our spiritual battle with the dark kingdom and our wonderful Freedom earned by Jesus Christ.
 Visit www.ficm.org 

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The Gathering Storm

R. Albert Mohler Jr.


From threats to religious liberty and redefinitions of marriage and family to attacks on the sacredness and dignity of human life, the perils faced by the West and the church are unprecedented. How should Christians respond to this challenge? The Gathering Storm provides the answer, addressing each dimension of culture and showing Christians how to give an answer for the hope that is within them and how to contend for the faith that was once and for all delivered to the saints.

“The Daily Briefing” Albert Mohler 

Dr. Albert Mohler may be one of the wisest, most articulate Christians of our day. His “Daily Briefing” provides Biblical perspective on the news of the day, from a Christian Worldview. His book We Cannot Be Silent calls us to understand the spiritual drift and moral revolution in North America. 

Visit https://albertmohler.com/

Visit World Ministries


World Ministries is celebrating it’s 20th year of global impact. We were founded in 1999 and began ministry in early 2000. The reach of World Ministries has expanded through the years to include multiple nations in Asia and Africa. Tens of thousands are impacted annually through the pastors and leaders we have trained, and hundreds of new churches are planted every year in the neediest and most difficult places on the globe. God alone gets all the glory and praise!