"If the LORD delights in a person's way, He makes their steps firm; though they stumble, they will not fall, for the LORD upholds them with His hand." (Psalm 37:23,24)

“Walking with Jesus” a Vision Document

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Uniquenesses of “Walking with Jesus” 

1. A daily written & pictorial reflection on Scripture which draws the participant into the story, giving us an understanding of context, culture, historical timeline, as though we are there. 

2. A systematic journey, usually chronological, which helps us understand the timeline and flow of the Bible story within global history.

3. The audio “Walking with Jesus” is especially helpful for visually challenged people, but for all of us Pastor Doug’s voice helps the story come alive, and builds a relationship with him. The audio may be paused at anytime for further reflection or prayer, or even re-listening.


4. All past “walks” are archived thus available at any time so you never need to miss one.

5. The “Engage page” on our APP invites feedback. “Walking with Jesus” is intended to be interactive and a global community on a journey together, with each other & with Jesus! 

6. The Android & iPhone APP’s provide the easiest access to “Walking with Jesus”. Within a very few years nearly every place on earth will have internet accessibility, and nearly 80% of the world’s population will have a cell phone! 



Who may benefit from “Walking with Jesus”

1. Growing Christians… God is stirring in many Christians a desire for moving to a new place of spiritual vitality, of dynamic growth, of authenticity in their Spiritual life. Many long for a spiritual aliveness like they’ve never had before. “WWJ” is designed for this!

 2. The “Dones”, the fastest growing religious group in North America & Western Europe! These are people who have been affiliated with and active attendees of church, but are ‘done with church’, distancing themselves from any organized church or church building. Yet they remain interested in the Bible and nurturing their relationship with God. 

 3. The “Nones”, also a very fast growing non-religious group in North America & Western Europe! These are not atheists, they are people who simply feel no need for any organized religion in their lives, and many do not sense any particular desire for a God relationship. The “WWJ” provides a personal, private, ‘at my own pace, in my own time’, approach. 

4. Widows & Widowers… often feel they don’t ‘fit’ any longer with their church family and friends, since their spouse is gone. Yet they are deeply lonely, and have an even stronger desire now for their spiritual life to grow, and their relationship with God to be nourished. The friendly, familiar voice and solid teaching of “WWJ”, and the interactive potential, can fill several huge voids in the lives of widows and widowers.

 5. Retired couples… often these couples now have time, like never before, to develop a daily, spiritual time together in God’s Word and prayer. “WWJ” provides a perfect journey for them together, especially if the wife is perceived by the husband to be more advanced spiritually. 

6. The ‘undiscipled’… churches are filled with people who attend fairly regularly, but rarely bring a Bible to church, rarely take a note, and through the week are not part of a group or personal Bible study. Their ‘Biblical intake’ is limited to the Sunday sermon, which truthfully is mostly forgotten within hours. 

 7. Home group / Bible study leaders… many people have been asked to lead ‘home groups’ or ‘Bible study groups’ yet they have very little Bible training themselves. Walking with Jesus” can be an ideal experience for the group to read/listen together, and then discuss the Scripture passage. 

8. Limited training church leaders… in many parts of the world Christianity is growing very rapidly, even faster than qualified church leaders are able to be adequately trained. Often these ‘pastors’ are ‘bi-vocational’ so have little time for study or continuing education, yet their churches are growing. In some cases they are overseeing several churches! “WWJ” can provide, daily, personal Bible training for these pastors, available 24/7 via internet! 
9. New believers… New believers in Jesus world-wide need discipleship to grow in their newfound Christian faith. “WWJ” provides a unique, personal, private, discipleship journey that will nurture a new believer rapidly and can achieve maximum results by ‘growing at your own pace’, rather than a group setting. 

10. University students… Away from family and home religious expectations, College years are often years for spiritual exploration. “WWJ” is ideal for a young adult who feels the freedom to be on a personal, private spiritual journey apart from expectations of family. 

11. Cautious or Fearful ‘seekers’… Communist, Muslim and other ‘societies’ create an atmosphere of fear and intimidation for persons who have an interest in Jesus Christ and the Bible. “WWJ” is ideal for a personal, private investigation of Jesus and the Bible! 

12. Military personnel… The military environment often creates an interest in God, especially the closer one gets to the possibility of serious injury, capture or death. Increasingly chaplains are being restricted in the spiritual help they are permitted to offer service personnel. Loneliness apart from friends and family, creates vulnerability to pornography and other dangerous illusions. “WWJ” could be God’s provision for many! 

13. Refugees/Immigrants… God is bringing huge numbers of people from around the world, many from places where missionaries &/or the Gospel were restricted. Now as they transition they are anxious to learn English well, learn how to adjust to their ‘new home’, and in many cases they are open to considering the Bible & Christianity, but fearful of doing so in public or even with another person. “WWJ” especially available through cell phone APP is ideal for them. As a Christian befriends them, “WWJ” can be a wonderful tool for discussion, ESL & discipleship.

14. ‘Shut-ins’ or others unable to attend church regularly… while many church services are available on-line or TV, the daily discipleship in community, which “WWJ” offers is unique. 

15. ‘One on One’ Discipleship… Often ‘one on one’ or a triad discipleship relationships need something that facilitates the discussion. “WWJ” could be helpful for such discussions, and with cell phone APP can be anywhere, anytime!

16. Ageing population… The elderly segment of our world population is growing rapidly and as their mobility declines, their need for ‘entertainment’ increases. As their mental capacity begins to wane, they need mind stimulation. “WWJ” is designed to be helpful with these needs, either in group settings or individual. The intake of God’s Word visually and auditory can be powerfully used by the Holy Spirit in their lives. Available on cell phone APP, these folks could listen repeatedly, day and night, and Pastor Doug’s voice we hope could be a soothing, companion, especially in the long, sleepless nights. 

older couple
17. Missionary ESL… ESL is a powerful missionary tool in many nations, especially ‘restricted access’ nations. “WWJ” may be helpful as the ESL student is able to listen & read through their cell phone APP for extended hours, and refine/expand their English, but also pursue their interest in Christianity, in privacy.   

18. Prison… God does very special work in the lives of the incarcerated. If accessible to them, “WWJ” might be very powerfully used of God for any incarcerated person. 

19. Previously Incarcerated… Often newly released prisoners are at great risk during that first year out of confinement. Employers are sometimes reluctant to risk employing them. Their only ‘friends’ are their family and old friends, but returning to those relationships can quickly draw them back into old illegal culture & habits. Churches are sometimes leary of welcoming ‘ex-cons’. “WWJ” might be really helpful for their DAILY discipleship journey, especially if they are able to be connected to someone who will spend time regularly with them in ‘re-entry’ to society through discipleship. 


20. Missionaries… Missionary life can be the most complex spiritual warfare life of all. Away from family, friends and ‘home’, missionaries normally are in places with limited spiritual community/support. Low responsiveness or high stress living can create the perfect storm of vulnerability to dark kingdom spiritual warfare. “WWJ” with both the personal touch and larger, global community connection, may be the daily spiritual infusion some missionaries need to keep going and stay emotionally & spiritually strong in the fight.

21. Traveling professionals… Large numbers of people travel frequently as part of their vocation. Over the road truckers / sales representatives with regional clients / business people on foreign assignment for extended time / some vocations requiring week long periods on location or on call etc. Away from family and support networks, these people are vulnerable in hotel rooms to the appeal of ‘pay for view TV’ or other destructive entertainment. The relational style of “WWJ” and the power of God’s Word working in hearts and minds could save marriages and families from destruction and keep the professional nurturing their spiritual vitality, while away from family & home church. 

 Thank you for praying for “Walking with Jesus”. 
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Have a comment or question about today’s 2020 vision? I’m ready to hear from youcontact me here.

Pastor Doug Anderson    262.441.8785  
Let us run with perseverance the race marked out for us, with our eyes fixed on Jesus…” (Heb. 12:1,2)

Archived back issues of “Walking with Jesus” and other resources are available by clicking here to open our ‘home page’ (or go to HOME at upper right of this page).

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