"If the LORD delights in a person's way, He makes their steps firm; though they stumble, they will not fall, for the LORD upholds them with His hand." (Psalm 37:23,24)

TUESDAY 17 January 2023 “Light in the Dark” (1 Peter 2:12)

Good morning my “Walking with Jesus” friends,
When was the last time you saw someone do something wonderfully unexpected, out of the ordinary, that left you feeling very HOPEFUL about the human race? Perhaps it was someone helping an elderly person walk through busy traffic safely; or someone who responded quickly with compassion and care when an accident happened; or someone comforting a child separated from their parent in a crowd? 
Yesterday and today, we are giving serious thought to Peter’s advice to Christians all around the world about making a difference, a BIG DIFFERENCE, both in the first century and in our day. From what I see in Peter’s words, this involves at least two major choices. We looked at the first yesterday: Protecting our minds and hearts from being negatively influenced by the evil all around us which is profoundly impacting our society and each of us, drawing us deeper and deeper into the darkness. To do this we need to establish high moral and ethical standards for ourselves and take action to shut off the inflow of the junk of our world that’s coming into our lives. 
In our day, that is especially technology and media, isn’t it? We have to be watchful to identify any evidence that the evil influence waging war on my mind and heart is taking ROOT in me! Can I tell when the evil around me is finding fertile ground in me, in which to grow and affect my life! I left you with some questions yesterday that I hope helped you to DO these things.
Now today, Peter is ready to keep writing and the next thing Peter writes is very, very powerful: LIVE such good lives among the pagans that though they accuse you of doing wrong, they will see your good deeds and they will glorify God…”! (1 Peter 2:12) Now, that’s really interesting isn’t it my friends!
When Peter uses the word “pagans” he’s not being slanderous or malicious, he’s speaking truth. When Peter says ‘pagan’ he is referring to a person who does not have or live by the truth. God’s truth. They are a person who rejects the true God and therefore they have no light of God’s truth in their minds or hearts. Oh, they may be very religious, maybe even devout, but whatever they worship is actually blinding them from the one true God and His truth. Or they may be an atheist who denies the existence of God. Or they may be among the billions of people who simply have no interest in pursuing an authentic relationship with God and learning to live by God’s definition of truth and morality. The darkness fills their minds and hearts, and they see no need of God in their life! Do you know anyone like that? It’s the natural result of a person born with a sin nature who doesn’t know any other way. 
But Peter calls us to understand that all people, everywhere, including pagans, have eyes to see, ears to hear, and minds to think. And we all recognize honorable living or undeserved kindness or courageous defense of the defenseless, don’t we?
Peter had walked those three years with Jesus. He had watched as people stood in amazement when Jesus spoke God’s truth which countered the dark culture around them or when Jesus did miracles to help people. In many places the people responded in awe and adoration of Jesus, and that’s what Peter envisions for Christians all across the Roman empire as he writes: “Live such good lives among the pagans that though they accuse you of doing wrong, they will see your good deeds and they will glorify God…”! (1 Peter 2:12) And it’s wonderful when someone living a good life is applauded. 
But the harsh reality is this… sometimes honorable living is scorned, criticized, rejected by people, isn’t that true? Have you seen it? That was happening in Peter’s day and it’s widespread in our day as Christians are mocked or persecuted. So, Peter was trying to encourage the Christians first by helping them see themselves with God’s perspective both in their IDENTITY and their life PURPOSE, and then to see HOW to defend themselves against the evil trying to consume them, but now in learning how to live counterculture! 
Strangely, our societies increasingly applaud radical words or behavior which actually advance or affirm social wickedness and destroy families. We’ve seen this in recent years as a wide range of behaviors which were abhorrent almost everywhere are now celebrated on the largest public platforms and media. 
Do you see this with Gender Identity confusion or Gender altering drugs and surgeries or same gender attraction, dating and marriage or the culture of death embraced by so many which results in millions of unborn babies slaughtered regardless of the laws of nations around the world. Do you see it in widespread pornography even including child porn? So, Peter’s words are actually calling Christians to be very courageous in living God honoring lives, wherever we live, regardless of the response of those around us. We’ll need to realize the harsh truth that we should expect ridicule, rejection, perhaps persecution or even retribution! Darkness only knows the dark and darkness suffocates. Darkness always seeks to consume or extinguish the light. Darkness does not become light; light penetrates and dispels darkness. Now can you see that in real life wherever you live?
This is why it’s so important Christians live our lives here with an eternal orientation… today is a dot on the infinite line of our eternity future in God’s Presence. The rejection or ridicule or suffering you and I may experience today, as we seek to live for God’s glory here in the darkness of our world, will be remembered as insignificant when we are living in the endless glory of God’s Presence for all eternity!
So, we end today with this simple question… is your relationship with God giving you the strength needed to live like light in the darkness or are you succumbing to the pressure of the darkness all around you? I urge you to read two or three times, those strong, affirming words of Peter… 1 Peter 2:9-12 and own these words of Peter as your call to action for 2023! Maybe write them on a card and carry them in your pocket every day. And find songs like this one to help you stand strong and courageous in the world where God has called you to be light in the darkness.
Let the voices of children singing this song put into your mind the faces of the children who are watching you live life and hoping you model well for them how to live light in the darkness!
Today’s Scripture is 1 Peter 2:12. 
Choose below to read or listen.​​
 Bible images provided with attribution to www.LumoProject.com.

Have a comment or question about today’s chapter? I’m ready to hear from youcontact me here.

Pastor Doug Anderson    262.441.8785  
Let us run with perseverance the race marked out for us, with our eyes fixed on Jesus…” (Heb. 12:1,2)

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