"If the LORD delights in a person's way, He makes their steps firm; though they stumble, they will not fall, for the LORD upholds them with His hand." (Psalm 37:23,24)

Saturday, 25 May: Galatians 5

Good morning friends,
Today is Saturday May 25 and we’re in the thick of Memorial Day weekend. I hope it’s special for you…
During this weekend you’ll likely read or hear phrases like “Freedom isn’t Free” 
“Freedom is most valuable to those who have lived the alternative… tyranny or enslavement or dictatorships”
Galatians 5 fits perfectly with that today, look how it begins: It is for FREEDOM that Christ has set us free. Stand firm, then, and do not let yourselves be burdened again by a yoke of slavery.” 
Now we know that Jesus was not a political figure and His teachings were not intended to engage the political debates of His day nor of ours. The “freedom” of which Paul speaks here is our freedom from both our condemnation due to our sin and our bondage to our sin nature. 
We are ransomed by Jesus’ death payment for our sin condemnation (Mark 10:45 & Romans 8:1). God accepts Jesus’ atonement death as payment in full for our sin sentence of death. 
We are liberated from our inescapable enslavement to our sin nature by Jesus’ powerful, Satan and death defeating Resurrection! (Ephesians 1:18-21) As the Holy Spirit applies that power into our lives as He resides in us, and we give Him authority over our lives, Galatians 5:1 becomes a daily, living reality for us!
But, all too often things of this world can attract Jesus liberated people and they ‘re-enslave’ themselves!’ Really? Oh yes my friends. It could be an addiction like alcohol, prescription drugs, TV, romance novels, pornography, gambling, spending etc. Or a consuming attitude like unforgiveness or bitterness or jealousy or lust or deceitfulness or a slanderous tongue. Or it could be legalism and our attempts to prove ourselves worthy of heaven by our efforts. 
Paul wrote this letter new Christians in Galatia who were adding to the work of Jesus by imposing on themselves and others expectations of things like circumcision or legalism or keeping certain laws.
Look closely at what Paul writes to them in Galatians 5 about Freedom in Christ, and ask yourself how it applies to your life, your family, your church? Are you living victoriously delivered and free in Jesus?
In fact may I offer you this resource:  www.ficm.org
It’s the “Freedom in Christ” ministry of Dr. Neil Anderson (no relation to me), one of the great Bible teachers of our day, especially as it relates to this matter of finding and living FREE from the enslavement Satan loves to shackle us with! I urge you to go to his website and look over all the resources. There may be something there that’s perfect for you or someone you know. 
Oh there’s so much in Galatians 5, I have to take just one more minute to point out the very famous contrast of lifestyles seen in vs. 16-26. . .the Fruit of the Spirit! You’ve read it before I’m sure, but please be careful and read it very, very slowly… let every word, every phrase penetrate you deeply. Then consider these questions:
 What draws you back to that list of very dark living found in 5:19-21? What in that list is a vulnerable weakness is your life? Why? 
May I invite you to set on a hunt for key Scripture that deals specifically with that issue and by memorizing those verses and really applying God’s truth to that area of your life, watch God transform a weak area of your life into one of your strengths!
What are some of the ‘best practices’ or secrets you’ve found for keeping in step with the Spirit” as we see in v. 24,25? What does living in ‘lock step with Jesus’ look and feel like to you?
OK friends… as we apply this powerful chapter for the Saturday of Memorial Day weekend may I give you this last thought? 
You’ve seen the pictures of the emaciated POW’s behind the barbed wire during the wars, especially WW2 & Vietnam. I’m sure you’ve put yourself into their rags and imagined what it would feel like to see the Allied soldiers come with wire cutters and cut that barbed wire, set you free and put a meal and clean clothes in front of you? 
That’s just a small picture of what Jesus has done for us, so how do we live this weekend in profound, joyful, victorious gratitude to HIM, our emancipator, our deliverer, our rescuer?
Have a wonderful Saturday of freedom in Christ living my friends;
Your brother in Christ,
Doug Anderson picture

Pastor Doug Anderson    262.441.8785  
Let us run with perseverance the race marked out for us, with our eyes fixed on Jesus…” (Heb. 12:1,2)

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