"If the LORD delights in a person's way, He makes their steps firm; though they stumble, they will not fall, for the LORD upholds them with His hand." (Psalm 37:23,24)

Friday, 3 July, 2020: “Sovereign Shepherd”

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Hello my “Walking with Jesus” friends,
I wonder who your most trusted advisors are in these chaotic days of such widespread turmoil? Your financial advisor, your attorney, your Pastor, your doctor, your parents, maybe your spouse or your best friend. Or….is your advisor Jesus?
This week we’ve been considering the significance of God’s Sovereignty OVER all the universe, and the Holy Spirit’s Sovereignty IN the chaos in our world, as He works in the lives of God’s people individually, around the world. Today, let’s focus on Sovereign Jesus Christ growing, protecting, and leading His global church of nearly 1 Billion people to be a strategic force in our world. Have you considered the power of the global Church down through history?
One day Sovereign God Almighty, in the person of Jesus Christ, God incarnate, was having a conversation with the men we know as the Disciples of Jesus, in a place called Caesarea Philippi, a very busy crossroads of trade caravans from all over the Roman Empire, you’ll find it in Matt. 16:13. “Who do people say I (the Son of Man) am? Jesus asked them. They replied, ‘some say John the Baptist, others say Elijah, and still others Jeremiah or one of the prophets.” (Matt. 16:13,14) Now friends, what’s really crazy about this is that each of those men mentioned were dead, some of them for hundreds of years. The disciples were no lunatics, they were hard working, clear thinking men… but it was true, people were so amazed at the words and miracles of Jesus Christ, some concluded He was a living reincarnation of one of the great men of the past! 
Jesus then looked right at His disciples and asked the ‘million dollar question’: “But, what about you? Who do you say I am?” I’m calling it the ‘million dollar question’ because the correct answer is worth far more than several million dollars! Peter answered correctly: “You are the Christ (Messiah), the Son of the living God.” And Jesus’ response was shocking: “Blessed are you Simon son of John, for this truth was not revealed to you by men, but by My Father in heaven…and on this rock (TRUTH) I will build My Church and the gates of Hades will not prevail.” (Matt. 16:15-18). The truthful identity of Jesus Christ, is the powerful cornerstone upon which is built both our Salvation and this miraculous collection of Christians which Jesus called “My Church” . . .everywhere in the world, in every generation! 
What did Jesus mean by ‘the gates of Hades will not prevail’? ‘Hades’ was considered to be the place where the souls of those who die WITHOUT having trusted Jesus for their salvation go, while awaiting the final resurrection when they will be resurrected and then stand before Jesus in judgement. From that judgment, those who have died in their sin guilt, will then be sent, for all eternity, to hell, along with Satan and his demons. (Rev. 20) Jesus was saying that because of His atonement sacrifice on the cross, and His victorious resurrection, deliverance from that terrible destiny is available to any person who is in bondage to their sin and heading for Hades when they die. Some statistics say that about 100,000 people world-wide, who are bound in sin, are TODAY finding their deliverance from such a desperate condemnation, as they trust in the person and power of Jesus.

Now here’s an important reality my friends. In what some might call ‘good times’ most people feel no need for God and no urgency for dealing with their sin condemnation. It is in chaotic times, traumatic times, frightening times, painful times, times like NOW… that people give serious thought to their spiritual condition and eternal destiny. Affluence and Happiness, while desirable in the minds and hearts of most people, are anesthesia which deceive humanity into believing they have no need of God and certainly no need for salvation, found only in Jesus! Do you remember Jesus said once “I tell you the truth, it is hard for a rich man to enter the kingdom of heaven. Again I tell you, it is easier for a camel to go through the eye of a needle than for a rich man to enter the kingdom of God.” (Matt. 19:23,24) 
The current global economic turmoil, combined with the fear of a very contagious disease, is motivating many people to seek God right now, some in desperation! Look with me into John’s Gospel, chapter 10 and let’s gain some fresh perspective on how Jesus wants to mobilize His global church to be a powerful force in this present global chaos!
Jesus was walking through Jerusalem with His disciples and He led them to the pens of sheep, goats outside the Sheep Gate. Jesus very often used real, tangible examples when He was trying to make a point. Let’s join Jesus and His friends as they look into the sheep pens. While they were all looking at sheep, Jesus was talking about people. And the pens represent communities of people, towns, cities and large gatherings of people like concerts or huge stadiums or political rallies or parades. Places and times when a wide range of people are together. These pens held sheep who had belonged to many different shepherds, and Jesus made the point…entry into these gatherings is either with integrity and honesty, or deception and intent to breed discord, chaos and harm. Do you see this is happening in gatherings our world today?
Can you tell when Jesus walks into a crowded place, in our day? Do you have the ability to sense the Presence of God… not only in a church worship service, but in a public gathering? That’s part of why Jesus, the Sovereign of the Universe, came here and lived among us. So we could experience what it’s like when God is present. Now watch this… the Holy Spirit is fully God, and He LIVES WITHIN all genuine Christ Redeemed, God worshiping, Jesus followers! So do you see, my friends, when a few authentic, Spirit filled, followers of Jesus walk into a large gathering of people anywhere… God is there, through the power of the Holy Spirit IN God’s people!! Do you agree? And where-ever God is, HE wants to make a difference, a big difference, right? 
Remember in Acts 4 when religious leaders arrested Peter and John and questioned them, Acts 4:13 says “When they saw the courage of Peter and John and realized they were unschooled, ordinary men, they took note these men had been with Jesus.” Then in Acts 5, all the Apostles were arrested, because the city of Jerusalem was being powerfully impacted by thousands of Christians. They tried to intimidate the Apostles and they even beat them. But Gamaliel advised the religious leaders: “Leave these followers of Jesus alone. For if their purpose or activity is of human origin it will fail. But if it is from God you will not be able to stop these men and you will find yourself fighting against God.” (Acts 5:38,39)
Do you see in John 10 how the sheep recognize the voice of their good shepherd and want to be close to him, and they follow him, even if he walks out of the pen, because he has earned their trust. Has Jesus earned your trust, do you discern His voice and follow Him…where-ever He leads you? Does Jesus include you when He gathers several of His sheep together for fellowship, or worship, or prayer, or study of His Word, or strategically bringing HIS compassionate help and hope into the darkness, the chaos and pain of our world? Have you considered what Jesus might be planning for this coming 4th of July weekend in America? What would Jesus like to lead us, His people, to DO in being a force of God’s Holy power this weekend in our chaotic world?
Do you see in vs. 10 “The thief comes only to steal and kill and destroy, but I have come that they may have life, and have it in abundance!” Do you see this in your city or town? How is Jesus helping you live ‘life in abundance’?
When Jesus spoke of a good shepherd risking, and if need be GIVING His life for the sheep, these disciples understood that. Sometimes the enemies of sheep are so vicious, the sheep so vulnerable, that the shepherd puts his life on the line to protect his beloved sheep! Of course a few weeks later, these disciples came to understand this in a whole new way as Jesus went to the cross, and then rose victoriously from the grave! But then Jesus spoke of other sheep, from other pens, all becoming part of one huge flock, which belong to HIM! Oh my friends, the global church today, comprised of redeemed people from all over the world, is a beautiful example of what Jesus was talking about! 
As we close I’m inviting you to talk with Jesus. Ask Him what HE wants to do in your part of the world with you and other Christ followers there, as Jesus brings His powerful Presence into the chaos where you live. I have a special song video for you to consider as you talk with Sovereign, Shepherd Jesus, and be prepared to follow HIM :
 Bible images provided with attribution to www.LumoProject.com.

Click to read today’s chapter: John 10:1-18. (At the top you can choose a different translation.)

Have a comment or question about today’s chapter? I’m ready to hear from youcontact me here.

Pastor Doug Anderson    262.441.8785  
Let us run with perseverance the race marked out for us, with our eyes fixed on Jesus…” (Heb. 12:1,2)

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