Good morning my “Walking with Jesus” friends,
We’ve all been part of many different groups in our lives: School classes; co-workers on the job; churches; neighborhoods; extended families etc. Likely, some of those have been really great experiences where there was healthy cooperation and mutual support. But have you ever been part of a social or spiritual movement? A group of people impassioned about what they believe, excited about what they are experiencing, and fully engaged in their mission… which is making a difference in their world?
In Jerusalem in the months following the resurrection and ascension of Jesus Christ, there was such a movement. It was rapidly growing in number, synergy and community impact. It did not have a formal name nor any bylaws, no elected leaders, no specifically stated mission, but this movement was having a powerful impact on Jerusalem and even the surrounding region. We find the description in Acts 2:42-47, in the Bible. “They devoted themselves to the apostles’ teaching, and to the fellowship, to the breaking of bread and to prayer. Everyone was filled with awe and many wonders and miraculous signs were done by the apostles. All the believers were together and had everything in common.”
Who are ‘they’? “They” were more than 3000 people who had believed that Jesus really is God the Son. ‘They‘ believed the Gospel as proclaimed by Peter in Acts 2:14-36. ‘They‘ have been publicly baptized, affirming their decision to follow Jesus as their Savior and Lord. ‘They‘ also include the 120 who were in the house when the Holy Spirit came in a powerful wind, and what appeared to be tongues of fire, and gave them the ability to speak the Gospel in languages they’d never learned. (Acts 2:1-12) ‘They‘ include the disciples, Mary the mother of Jesus, Mary Magdalene and others of Jesus’ closest friends who had followed Him.
Do you see, my friends, what ‘they‘ prioritized in those days following the sudden and unexpected launch of this movement on the day of Pentecost? ‘They‘ hungered to learn as much as they could about Jesus and His truth, and how to live in close relationship with Jesus guided by the Holy Spirit. Who better to teach them than those who had been with Jesus every day for so many months, the disciples now called apostles? But ‘they‘ also wanted to spend time with each other, normal Jewish people who were experiencing this radical change of life, in relationship with Jesus. There was a special sense of community when they were together. Later that was given a name… ‘Koinonia‘.
‘They‘ loved sharing a meal with each other, as we do today, but ‘they‘ also very much appreciated when the apostles would lead them in celebrating what we today call ‘The Lord’s Supper’, ‘Communion’, in remembrance of Jesus’ last evening with His friends before He went to the cross. And ‘they‘ loved talking with Jesus, even though He was not physically with them. ‘They‘ did so in what we call prayer, simply having a faith conversation with God! I call it a faith conversation because prayer is when you are speaking to God, whom you cannot see or touch, but you are fully confident He, God hears and responds! ‘They‘ loved to pray…do you?
Wait… don’t rush by that question. Do you love conversation with Jesus, my friends? What is it like for you? How often, where, what do you like talking with Jesus about? How do you sense His answers, His guidance, His instructions to you? My friends, one of the important roles of the Holy Spirit is helping followers of Jesus have conversation with the resurrected Jesus, just like these 3000 people were experiencing in Jerusalem. Is that an exciting, daily reality for you?
Do you notice Luke tells us, empowered by the Holy Spirit the apostles evidently were doing miracles, as Jesus had done, proving the power of Jesus was working through them, as He had promised in John 14:12? When Dr. Luke says “Everyone was filled with awe…” I believe Luke meant EVERYONE. Those who were the ‘they‘, the people fully engaged in this spiritual movement, as well as their friends and family who were not yet convinced, but were watching with great interest. “Everyone“ also included thousands of other Jews who had come to Jerusalem for Pentecost and were now astounded by what they were seeing in these 3000 changed people. But “Everyone“ also included the Jewish religious leaders who had rejected Jesus and condemned Him to death. Can you imagine their astonishment as they watched these radically changed people gathering, day after day, listening to the apostles teach them and sharing their joy with each other? “Everyone“ also included one other very important group, always present in Jerusalem…Roman soldiers whose job it was to keep peace and always keep a sharp eye out for anything that might appear to be the beginnings of an uprising, a rebellion against Roman authority. What do you suppose the soldiers thought as they watched this spiritual movement growing in momentum?
Have you noticed that as people have an authentic encounter with Jesus and His life transforming truths, and as they repent of their sin and turn their lives over to Jesus, the Holy Spirit does remarkable things in changing their attitudes, their world view, their values, their priorities, even their behavior? That was happening in Jerusalem with this “Jesus movement”. Luke writes: “Selling their possessions and goods, they gave to anyone as he had need.” (Acts 2:45) So, when is the last time you witnessed this in your city, your community, your neighborhood, even your church? This is outrageous, Holy Spirit motivated, God honoring generosity. It really can’t be explained because it is so counter culture.
Probably wherever you live in the world, my friends, you’ve seen that tender hearted people respond with ‘handouts’ of a little money or food given to the poor, from time to time. That’s not what was happening in Jerusalem with this ‘Jesus movement’. Luke is describing outrageous generosity. People were actually selling their possessions so they had cash to give to the needy, the poor, the disadvantaged among them! Think about that! This was practical, tangible evidence of changed hearts. People were transformed by the Holy Spirit from selfish and greedy to selfless and generous!
Finally, Luke tells us: “Everyday they continued to meet together in the temple courts. They broke bread in their homes and ate together with glad and sincere hearts, praising God and enjoying the favor of all the people.” (Acts 2:46,47) What do you see here my friends? I see a deep desire for these people to BE together and share their new life experience together. I see JOY resulting from their being together, learning together and seeing the evidence of the Holy Spirit radically changing all of them as they grew in their understanding of Jesus and His truths. And I see they loved to PRAISE God for they understood that GOD was doing the life changing work in each of them!
Oh, and do you see one more summary statement from Luke, it’s in vs. 47? “And the Lord added to their number daily those who were being saved!” “The Lord” is of course Jesus! Jesus was everyday saving from their sins more and more people who were being attracted to Jesus by what they saw in the people engaged in this spiritual movement! That’s called “contagious Christianity”! May I ask, are you fully engaged in such a movement in your city? Are there Christians who are experiencing this where you live? Are their changed lives drawing the attention of people who are fascinated and are attracted to Jesus? Is Jesus, DAILY, saving people in your city, adding them to His global ‘spiritual movement’? And finally, one really important question… what are you personally experiencing, in these post Easter days, in your relationship with Jesus? Is there an Acts 2:42-47 ‘spiritual movement’ in your city and are you an energetic part of it? What does it look like? How is it impacting your city?
Here’s a brief glimpse of a Jesus celebration in South America last year, celebrating the resurrected Jesus! I wonder if celebration worship was happening like this in Jerusalem in Acts 2?
Enjoy the worship my friends, even if you don’t speak Spanish!
Bible images provided with attribution to www.LumoProject.com.
Have a comment or question about today’s chapter? I’m ready to hear from you, contact me here.
Pastor Doug Anderson 262.441.8785
“Let us run with perseverance the race marked out for us, with our eyes fixed on Jesus…” (Heb. 12:1,2)
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