"If the LORD delights in a person's way, He makes their steps firm; though they stumble, they will not fall, for the LORD upholds them with His hand." (Psalm 37:23,24)

THURSDAY 09 May 2024 “Jeroboam’s Judgment” (1 Kings 14:1-20)

Good morning my ‘Walking with Jesus” friends,
Yesterday we spent our time trying to gain a good understanding of the division of the nation of Israel into two kingdoms in the year 930bc shortly after the death of King Solomon. It is far more than a piece of history. Oh my friends it is one of the most significant events in Biblical history for it shaped much of the story of Israel from 930bc to all the way to our present day and of course all the remainder of the Old Testament, from 1 Kings 12 all the way to Malachi 4 and even to the days of Jesus, which took place in the shadow of this implosion of the nation of Israel after King Solomon. 
I use the word implosion intentionally for there was no external force, no foreign enemy, no invasion which caused the collapse of Israel. It was sin. The sins of King Solomon by bringing into Israel and even into Jerusalem the idol, false gods of other nations which included grave immorality and perverseness including the sacrificing of children! God’s declaration of judgment upon Solomon and the nation Israel was clear in 1 Kings 11:9-11: the nation of Israel would be torn apart by God Himself! 
In the months which followed that break-up of the nation of Israel, God began to bring His forewarned, punitive justice upon both King Rehoboam and the ‘Southern Kingdom”, the little nation of JUDAH, which was the two tribes of Judah and Benjamin with their capital in Jerusalem; and also King Jeroboam and the “Northern Kingdom” of 10 tribes which retained the name ISRAEL with their capital in Samaria. Today we’ll look at King Jeroboam’s judgment and tomorrow we’ll look at King Rehoboam’s judgment. 
Following Jeroboam’s shocking, hand-shriveling encounter with a ‘man of God’ at the gold calf idol altar at Bethel, which we saw day before yesterday as recorded in 1 Kings 13, King Jeroboam next faced the severe illness of his son, whom he loved and whom he assumed would rise up to one day sit on his throne! 1 Kings 14 gives us this important account. Jeroboam urged his wife to disguise herself and travel to Shiloh which was almost exactly 1/2 way between Jerusalem and Samaria 
Do you remember Shiloh? This is where Hannah prayed diligently for a son and when God miraculously blessed her with a baby boy she named him Samuel and when old enough, Hannah brought young Samuel to Shiloh to live at the Tabernacle and serve God. Samuel became a great prophet leader, and was the prophet who anointed both King Saul and later King David as the first two kings of Israel. (1 Samuel 1-16)
King Jeroboam sent his wife to seek counsel about their dying son, from the prophet Ahijah who lived in Shiloh. This is the same prophet who had met Jeroboam and given him the startling news that God had selected him to lead the 10 tribes as they broke away from King Rehoboam. And that God would bless and guide Jeroboam IF Jeroboam would remain faithful to God. (1 Kings 11:19) Prophet Ahijah was blind in his old age, but God told him King Jeroboam’s wife was coming and what to tell her! Can you imagine her shock when as she knocked on the door Ahijah called her by name, invited her in and told her God had prepared him for her visit!?
 I presume she hoped Ahijah would have good news. Her heart broke as she listened to some of the most brutal news any mother could ever hear, for God’s judgment was spoken against King Jeroboam and his despicable failure and rebellion against God. You’ll find Ahijah’s message from God in 1 Kings 14:6-16. God’s assessment of King Jeroboam was: “You have done more evil than all who lived before you. You have made for yourself other gods, idols made of metal; you have aroused My anger and turned your back on Me.”  
Therefore God’s judgement on King Jeroboam, both short and long term, would be this, as spoken by Ahijah the prophet of God:
1. God would bring disaster upon Jeroboam’s household! 
No male descendant of Jeroboam would survive so Jeroboam’s family line would cease, beginning with his sick son who would die when Jeroboam’s wife arrived home. 
2. The rebellious people of Israel, who have followed in abandoning God, would eventually be uprooted from their land by an invading kingdom far more powerful than they. (1 Kings 14:15) 
King Jeroboam’s wife was stunned, but God had spoken His judgment on Jeroboam’s horrific rebellion. As she arrived home, the boy did die and was buried. The remainder of Jeroboam’s life, as far as we know, was lived in hard hearted rebellion against God and he died knowing his rebellion would bring disaster on his family and on the people of Israel long after he was gone! Oh my, what a failed, disastrous legacy from a man who had such great potential, but turned his back on God! 
It’s a frightening warning isn’t it my friends? Tomorrow we’ll see how God dealt with King Rehoboam who also was turning the people of Jerusalem away from God. For today let’s recognize God’s justice is based upon His unwavering Holiness and every person, especially every leader, will stand before Holy God in accountability. 
The song I’ve chosen today celebrates the wonderful truth that God’s judgement for sin is full Holy Justice, but Calvary and the price Jesus paid is available to rescue you and me and anyone! It’s a song to help us gain a fuller appreciation of God’s judgment on Jeroboam.
Subtitles on the screen of this song are both English and Spanish to help us remember God’s loving offer is for every person in the world! I’ll see you hear tomorrow, and God bless you today.
Today’s Scripture: 1 Kings 14:1-20. 
Choose below to read or listen.​​
 Bible images provided with attribution to www.LumoProject.com.

Have a comment or question about today’s chapter? I’m ready to hear from youcontact me here.

Pastor Doug Anderson      
Let us run with perseverance the race marked out for us, with our eyes fixed on Jesus…” (Heb. 12:1,2)

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