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Good morning dear friends,
I’m actually writing this morning from a small cottage in Western Minnesota, which belongs to very dear friends of Dawn and me. I suspect it was built in the 50’s and is just perfect for a several day spiritual retreat for Dawn and me.
I’ve been up since very early, as normal, with God’s Word, worship music, reflection and prayer. Oh what a special morning. A strong wind has been blowing outside, and now that daylight has come I can see waves on the lake and fall colored leaves blowing out of the trees being whipped by the wind. I give you that description because I’ve been reading Acts 27 and I invite you to join me there…and the violent storm which shipwrecked Paul and his traveling companions! It’s the stuff of adventure movies…so come on, let’s climb aboard, if you’re courageous enough!
You’ll recall Paul, from his courtroom in Caesarea, has appealed to the Caesar, which is his right as a Roman citizen. So Act 27 is the exciting story of his sea voyage…, at least until the shipwreck! Yes, that’s right, this chapter describes a remarkable shipwreck.
Luke does a great job of giving us a ‘blow by blow’ detailed description. Now Paul is a prisoner, so we can assume he is likely in chains, at least initially. Notice how in vs. 9-12 a decision had to be reached regarding waiting or setting sail even though it was increasingly dangerous. Look around our world and think for a moment about the many different businesses in which people are at risk… mining, high rise construction, assembling fire works in a factory; or working with explosive chemicals etc.
Sadly, the news too often gives us reports of disaster… a mine shaft collapse trapping miners underground; a factory explosion etc. You’ve heard of “OSHA”, I’m sure. Their purpose is to make the job site safe, right? But all too often it’s not the job or job site, it’s the reckless, selfish, greedy decisions that cause people to set aside common sense and press on, in the face of danger. That’s what happened in Acts 27!
As you read Acts 27:13-20 it won’t be difficult to imagine yourself on board this sailing ship, weighed down with their cargo, battling the winds, which probably whipped the sails to shreds. I love how descriptive Luke is…“On the third day, they threw the ship’s tackle overboard with their own hands. When neither sun nor stars appeared for many days and the storm continued to rage, we finally gave up all hope of being saved!” (27:19,20)
May I ask, what’s the most desperate situation you’ve ever been in? Have you ever finally, given up all hope of rescue? Have you discovered it is here…at the end of yourself, when you have run out of options, when there is nothing more you can think of to do…there is where you can say ONLY GOD! And there, when only God can rescue you, there is where life rescuing miracles happen, and life changing lessons are learned, do you agree?
So in this desperate place, look what Paul did in vs. 21-26…wow what a powerful speech in the face of despair! But please notice, Paul wasn’t just blowing smoke. Paul said “Last night an angel of the God, whose I am and whom I serve, stood beside me and said ‘Do not be afraid, Paul. You must stand before Caesar; and God has graciously given you the lives of all who sail with you…” (23,24) Wow! Do you see what God is doing? Despite the poor leadership decisions of the captain of the ship and the Roman centurion responsible for Paul, Paul receives a promise from God, via a vision! God has a purpose here which will not be thwarted.
In fact I suggest God has several purposes here. He has shown His mighty power in the storm and the sailors are terrified. He has shown His personal interest in their situation by sending an angel with a message of hope. God has declared His purpose is that Paul will have an audience, in Rome, with the Caesar, to proclaim the Gospel of Jesus Christ there! And finally, God wants none of those on board the ship to perish. And God wants all this to happen, because of His love for all humanity and His desire that everyone have a chance for a relationship with God. In a few weeks we’ll be reading Peter’s letters, and in 2 Peter 3:9 he writes this that fits so perfectly here, in the middle of this great storm…“The LORD is not slow in keeping His promise…He is patient, not wanting anyone to perish, but everyone to come to repentance.”
Just yesterday, this powerful verse in Proverbs struck me deeply, and fits so well right here: “Many are the plans in a man’s heart, but it is the LORD’s purpose that prevails.” (Prov. 19:21) That is exactly what’s happening here in Acts 27! The ship’s captain feels an obligation to get his cargo to port so it can be sold for profit to both the ship’s owner and the cargo owner. The centurion feels an obligation to get Paul delivered to Roman guards, so he can go back home to his family. So they make plans, lots of plans, for sailing…and then when the storm hits, they make more plans for survival. Meanwhile it is God’s purpose that prevails, do you see that friends? Can we each look into the mirror to see how this has worked in our lives?
So read with excitement the rest of Acts 27 as Luke describes the storm, their frantic efforts to save the ship, and finally the shipwreck. . .and then the very last line, as God had promised “In this way everyone reached land in safety.” It would be wonderful if you could read it with a storm blowing outside, like is blowing here, as I write this!
Tomorrow, we’ll find out where they had come ashore, and some exciting things that happened there.
For today, may I leave us with some questions to ponder. . .
1. What have you developed as your pattern for decision making? Does your pattern change the more complicated or risky the decision becomes? Do you seek advice from others? What criteria do you use in determining who’s advice you’ll listen to as you try to decide what to do?
2. Do you seek God’s guidance in your decision making? Only for the really big decisions, or the small ones too? And how…how do you seek God’s perspective, His guidance? How do you hear what God has to say? Jesus promised the Holy Spirit would lead us…so how does He lead you, my friends?
3. What do you do when… what you want to do in the matter, is different from the advice you receive from those you trust? Do you tend to make big decisions more with your head or your heart? How do you feel about risk?
4. Finally…and what do you do with God’s advice? As you sense what God is showing you about the situation you are in, or the decision facing you, what do you do with what God is showing you He wants you to do? Honestly now…
Oh Lord Jesus…
Have a comment or question about today’s chapter? I’m ready to hear from you, contact me here.
Pastor Doug Anderson 262.441.8785
“Let us run with perseverance the race marked out for us, with our eyes fixed on Jesus…” (Heb. 12:1,2)
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